Contact us
Call us on 01 661 0504 for all your advisory, membership, ethical or medico-legal queries

Contacting us
During office hours please contact us on 01 661 0504. If you wish to contact a member of the team directly, please see the contact details of the Medisec team.
Alternatively, please contact us on
In the interests of patient confidentiality and in compliance with data protection legislation, when contacting us for medico-legal advice, please do not provide information on the telephone or in an email to Medisec that would allow a patient to be identified. Medisec is now connected to the secure email system Healthmail and it is our preferred means of secure communication with members.
Medico-Legal advisory queries:
Ruth Shipsey: 087 264 8245
Niall Rooney: 086 781 5615
Aisling Timoney: 085 780 8018
Dee Duffy: 087 933 6057
Síle O’Dowd: 086 031 5238
Claire Cregan: 086 606 4513
Liam Heffernan: 086 033 1299
Stephen O’Leary: 086 103 0899
Stephanie O’Connell: 086 084 0246
Maria Campbell: 086 103 0900
General queries:
Suzanne Browne: 087 230 5425
When we are available
- 24/7 to deal with all emergencies
- Office opening hours 9am -5.30pm Monday – Thursday, 9am – 5.00pm Friday for all your advisory, membership, ethical or medico-legal queries
- By arrangement to arrange seminars, talks and workshops or sponsor events by the GP Colleges, faculties or training schemes
Send us a message
Same day response to 98% of queries
Over 5,200 medico-legal queries answered in the last 2 years
12% of medico-legal queries answered “out of hours”