Dr Olewuni receives his award

ICGP Quality and Safety in Practice GP Trainee Award 2021 Winner: Dr Adedayo Olawuni

Quality improvement is part of what you do in General Practice as you strive to improve your patients’ experience and quality of care. Medisec has been proud to support the annual ICGP ‘Quality and Safety in Practice’ award in recent years. Dr Adedayo Olewuni, was the 2021 winner, with his innovative entry entitled:

‘Improving the management and follow-up of laboratory results in primary care – A quality improvement project.’ This study introduced a logical ‘SMART AIM’ platform innovation aimed at improving results management performance in general practice. The changes introduced led to a 30% improvement in accuracy and timeliness of results review in his practice. Accurate and timely results review is a major factor leading to enhanced safety for our patients and efficiency in our practices.

Due to Covid restrictions, Dr Olewuni had to wait some time before being officially awarded the trophy, recently presented by our senior clinical risk advisor; Dr Mary Davin Power, outside Medisec’s office. Congratulations Adedayo, the future of general practice is in good hands!